Staff Achievement


Details of Paper Publication


Sr. No Name of Staff Name of Paper Publication
1 Mr.Bhaskar V Kumbhar


  • A research paper on “Self- sustaining Controlled power Generation Using Renewable Energy Sources for Satellite Earth Stations in Remote Area” in International journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development Volume 03 Issue 05 May 2016,ISSN 2348- 6406.
  • A research Paper on “Eco- friendly Degradation of Biomass Using Electricity in Biomass Power Plant”In Board of International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management& Applied Science volume VII, Issue VII,July 2018,ISSN :2278- 2540.
2 Mrs.Ashwini A Pethkar
  • Published paper in IRAJ journals
3 Mrs.Rupali A Patil
  • A research paper on “Integrated Dynamic Bidirectional Roadways EV Power Transfer System” in International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management in Volume 5, Issue 11, November 2022, ISSN: 2581-5792.


List of Conference/ Seminars/Workshops/Training Programs Attended by Faculty


Sr. No

Name of Faculty / Staff

Conference/ Seminars/Workshops/Training Programs Attended














Mr.Bhaskar V Kumbhar


Two days State Level Seminar on Power System Reliability & Quality Issues organized by sinhgad Institute and sponsored by Savitribai phule pune University, Pune.

Three days ISTE Approved FDP on "Professional Ethics and effective Teaching Methodology" at AMP, Vathar.

One week FDP on "Outcome Based Education" held at SPIT Polytechnic Parner.Ahamadnagar.

Three days ISTE Approved STTP on "Indian Electricity Market and grid management" held at DKTE’S Yashawantrao Chavan Polytechnic Ichalkaranji.

One week AICTE-ISTE Sponsored Induction program on “Emerging Trends in Energy Management and Energy Audit” held at Government Polytechnic Amarawati.

One week State level ISTE approved FDP on “Advancement in Industry Electrical System” held at Sharad Institute of Technology Polytechnic Yadrav.

Three days ISTE Approved Faculty development program on “Advancement in E –Transportation” held at Amp vathar.

One week FDP on “Opportunities and challenges in  outcome based Education” held at Amp vathar.

Three days ISTE Approved Faculty development program on “NEP 2020-Amendment in Technical Education” held at Amp vathar.

Three days ISTE Approved Faculty development program on “Enhancing Engineering Skills Using Softwares” held at Amp vathar.

Three days ISTE Approved Faculty development program on “Enhancing Research culture: Best Practices and Emerging Trends” held at Amp vathar.








Mr.Sudershan B Gore

One week FDP on “Empowering Innovations comprehensive Approaches to Research &   Development” Oraganised by A.G.Patil Institute of Technology,Solapur

One week FDP on “Outcome Based Education” Oraganised by S.P.I.T. Polytechic Kurud, Ralegan

Three day’s FDP on “Indian Electricity Market & Grid Management” Oraganised by Yashvantrao Chavan Polytechnic , Ichalkaranji

One week FDP on “Empowering Hybrid Electric Vechicle” Oraganised BSIET Kolhapur.

Three day’s  FDP on “Professional Ethics & Effective Teaching Methodology” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

Five day’s  FDP on “Emerging Trends in Polytechnic Education” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

Three day’s FDP on “Advancement in E- Transportation” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

​​​​​​​One week  FDP on “Opportunities & Challenges in Outcome Based Education” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

​​​​​​​Three day’s  FDP on “NEP-2020 Amendment in Technical Education ” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

​​​​​​​One week  FDP on “Enhancing Engineering Skills by Using Softwares” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

​​​​​​​Three day’s  FDP on “Adavance Trends In Mechanical Engg. ” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

​​​​​​​Three day’s  FDP on “Outcome Based Education & NBA Process ” Oraganised by A.G.Patil Institute of Technology,Solapur

​​​​​​​Two  day’s  FDP on “Teacher & Learners Engagement in Project Based & Problem Based Learning ” Oraganised by A.G.Patil Institute of Technology,Solapur








Mrs.Ashwini A Pethkar

One week FDP on “Empowering Innovations comprehensive Approaches to Research & Development” Oraganised by A.G.Patil Institute of Technology,Solapur

Three day’s  FDP on “Professional Ethics & Effective Teaching Methodology” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

Five  day’s  FDP on “Emerging Trends in Polytechnic Education” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

Three day’s FDP on “Advancement in E- Transportation” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

​​​​​​​One week  FDP on “Opportunities & Challenges in Outcome Based Education” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

​​​​​​​Three day’s  FDP on “NEP-2020 Amendment in Technical Education ” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

​​​​​​​One  week  FDP on “Enhancing Engineering Skills by Using Softwares” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

​​​​​​​Three day’s  FDP on “Adavance Trends In Mechanical Engg. ” Oraganised by Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar

​​​​​​​Three day’s  FDP on “Research Paper Writing & I.P. Rights ” Oraganised by A.G.Patil Institute of Technology,Solapur

​​​​​​​Two day’s  FDP on “Teacher & Learners Engagement in Project Based & Problem Based Learning ” Oraganised by A.G.Patil Institute of Technology,Solapur

​​​​​​​Three day’s  FDP on “Outcome Based Education & NBA Process ” Oraganised by A.G.Patil Institute of Technology,Solapur




Mrs.Rupali A Patil

Three days ISTE Approved FDP on "Professional Ethics and effective Teaching Methodology" at AMP, Vathar.

Three days ISTE Approved STTP on "Indian Electricity Market and grid management" held at DKTE’S Yashawantrao Chavan Polytechnic Ichalkaranji.

Three days ISTE Approved Faculty development program on “Advancement in E –Transportation” held at Amp vathar.

One week MSBTE Sponsored FDP on “Fuelling the Future” held at Sharad Institute of Technology Polytechnic Yadrav.

Three days ISTE Approved Faculty development program on “NEP 2020-Amendment in Technical Education” held at Amp vathar.

Three days ISTE Approved Faculty development program on “Enhancing Engineering Skills Using Software’s” held at Amp vathar.

Three days ISTE Approved Faculty development program on “Enhancing Research culture: Best Practices and Emerging Trends” held at Amp vathar.




Mrs.Yogeshree S Chougule

Three days ISTE Approved FDP on "Professional Ethics and effective Teaching Methodology" at AMP, Vathar.

Three days ISTE Approved STTP on "Indian Electricity Market and grid management" held at DKTE’S Yashawantrao Chavan Polytechnic Ichalkaranji.
Three days ISTE Approved Faculty development program on “NEP 2020-Amendment in Technical Education” held at Amp vathar.
Three days ISTE Approved Faculty development program on “Enhancing Engineering Skills Using Software’s” held at Amp vathar.




Ms.Monika S Patil

Three days ISTE Approved Faculty development program on “NEP 2020-Amendment in Technical Education” held at Amp vathar.
Three days ISTE Approved Faculty development program on “Enhancing Engineering Skills Using Software’s” held at Amp vathar.
Electric Vehicle & Hydrogen fuel cell Vehicle for Sustainable Mobility