

 Department of Electrical Engineering


Nikola Tesla : Developer Of Modern Alternating Current (AC) Electricity Supply System


              The department of electrical Engineering established in the year 2010 with a sanctioned intake capacity of 60 students. The department has been accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and also consistently awarded with excellent remark by MSBTE Mumbai. To cater to the ongoing Industrial demand, the department has well equipped Laboratories with extra facilities and also having a smart classroom with e-learning facility. Department leads to implement Energy conservation techniques in the institute and also as a part of green energy, promote the use of non –conventional energy sources. The department has an enthusiastic team of qualified and experienced teaching and non-teaching staff. One of the strengths of the department is different Papers published in reputed international & national journals, by faculty.

              Department also extend their sincere efforts towards creating  MOU’S with different industries to improve industry- institute interaction, through which students get benefited by different activities like industry sponsored projects, Industrial training etc. The main focus of department is on placement of students in reputed organizations, as a part of this, department has arranged various training and placement activities every year in association with TPO cell.

                     To enhance effective teaching and learning process the department has made their efforts towards arrangement of different trainings, workshops, industrial visits and guest lectures. Department helps for overall development of students by encouraging students for participating in different technical, nontechnical & sport events. To make department more updated and informative, department publish Newsletter ‘Elecrica’ twice in a year and Magazine ‘Spark’ once in a year.


Broad Disciplines of Electrical Engineering


Power engineering- Focuses on the generation,transmission and distribution of electricity.

Electronics Engineering- Deals with designing and developing electronics circuits,devices and systems.

Control systems Engineering- Deals with Automation and process control.

Instrumentation Engineering- Focuses on development of sensors and measurement ssystem. 


Scope of Eectrical Engineering

              The scope of electrical engineering is vast and continues to grow with advancements in technology.It covers a wide range of fields,including power generation,electronics,telecommunication and control systems,In the coming future, there will be a huge demand for proficient engineers in industry to cope with this demand in technology. An electrical engineer can find jobs in AI-powered electrical systems,smart cities and IoT applications and Also in different Government sectors.