Mechanical Engineering Department Organized Events


Academic Year 2024-2025
Engineers Day Celebration
Teachers Day Celebration
Guru Pornima Celebration


Academic Year 2023-2024
FDP On Advanced Trends in Mechanical Engineering
Engineers Day Celebration


Academic Year 2022-2023
Teachers Day Celebration
Two Day Workshop on Building Modeling Using Revit
Blood Donation Camp
Project Competition




  "Engineers Day Celebration 2025"

Competition Name: "Assembly Champ"

Event Date: 14/09/2024

Event Time: 10:00 am to 03:00 pm

Program venue: Machine Shop (Mechanical Engineering Department)

On the occasion of Engineers Day celebration Mechanical Engineering Department had proudly organized "Assembly Champ" competition for all students of Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, on Friday 14th of September 2024. This competition was conducted by the students of Mechanical Engineering Department under the guidance of competition coordinators Mr. S. B. Lambe and Mr. R. P. Bagewadi.

The inaugural function and welcome function was carried out in the presence of Prof. Y. R. Gurav (Principal AMPV), Mr. S. N. Yadav (HOD Mechanical Engineering Department) and all other dignitaries. This competition was conducted in two rounds. The first round was carried out as screening round in which student has to match and assemble the correct pair out of given nuts and bolts. In second round each winner students from first round had to assemble the disassembled parts of tailstock assembly of lathe machine. First two Students who had completed the assembly in given time were awarded by first two ranks. Total 205 students had participated in this competition.

Prize distribution ceremony was done at the hand of Prof. Y. R. Gurav (Principal AMPV) and in the presence of all Mechanical Engineering Department staff and students.

Final Result for Assembly Champ Competition:




Name of Students

Rank Achieved

Class & Div


Ms. Sandhya Ragunath Magdum

2 nd

FY Computer Engineering


Ms. Sakshi Rahul Sankpal

1 st

FY Computer Engineering


                                                        Photo Poojan                                                                    Assembly Champ Round 01



                                                         Assembly Champ Round 02                                                                   Prize Distribution



Teachers’ Day Celebration 2024 -25


Event Date: 05/09/2024


Event Time: 09:00 am onwards


Event venue: 1. Lecture conduction by students - Room No. 305

  1. Puzzle Champion Competition - Room No. 104
  2. Tree plantation – Mechanical Department Premises
  3. Prize Distribution – Room No. 102



Teacher’s day is celebrated on 5th September each year on the occasion of birth of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was known as amazing teachers of his time. This day was celebrated by students and staff memebers of Mechanical Engineering Department of AMP by organizing various program. The day was started with and lightening of lamp and pratima poojan of Goddess Sarasvati, at the hands of Prof. Y. R. Gurav (Principal AMP, Vathar) accompanied by faculty members and students.

The first program was the conduction of lecture by students in which few students from second and third year played a role of teacher. Through this event student showed their stage daring and got to know how much dedication & preparation is required to deliver knowledge.

After this program in second session of day department has organized puzzle champion event in which participants had to solve the given jig saw puzzle. Total 92 students from different departments had participated in this competition out of which first two ranks were awarded to those students who solved given puzzle in minimum time.

Tree plantation and prize distribution of puzzle champion event was carried out in last session of the day. The Principal Acknowledged the importance of Guru Purnima and emphasized the role of teachers in sculpting their student’s future.

The event was anchored by Miss. Tanvi Patil student from S.Y. Mechanical Engineering student and was successfully coordinated by Mr. N. Y. Patil, all staff memebers and all students of department.


                                               A Student Delivering Lecture                                    Puzzle Champ Event



                                                                                     Tree Plantation

Guru-Pornima Celebration 2024 -25

Event Date: 20/07/2024

Event Time: 10:00 am onwards

Event venue: Smart Class Room No. 305, Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar


Guru Purnima is the celebration of the strong bond of respect and trust between teachers and students. On this day we get an opportunity to thank our all guru for selflessly sharing their knowledge and skills with us.

This auspicious day was celebrated with great joy and echo on 20th July, 2024 at Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar by Mechanical Engineering Department in Association with MESA (Mechanical Engineering Student Association). This event was celebrated in presence of students and faculty members of department. Celebration started with and lightening of lamp and pratima poojan of Goddess Sarasvati, at the hands of Prof. Y. R. Gurav (Principal AMP, Vathar) accompanied by faculty members and students. On this occasion many students were given opportunity to deliver speeches in which they shared their thoughts and experiences, expressing their gratitude towards the teachers who had played significant role in shaping their lives and academic journey.

The Principal Acknowledged the importance of Guru Purnima and emphasized the role of teachers in sculpting their student’s future as well as guided all students regarding how to adapt upcoming new technologies in order to improve their academics and to be successful in life. Following this speech student presented a beautiful gift and flower to their teachers as a token of appreciation for their guidance and support.

The event was anchored by Miss. Tanvi Patil student from S.Y. Mechanical Engineering student and was successfully coordinated by Mr. N. Y. Patil and all students of department.











Date: 27th to 29th December 2023 (3 days)

Level: National

Mode of Conduction: ONLINE

No. of Participants: 80

Organizers: Department of Mechanical Engineering

Approved by: Indian Society For Technical Education, New Delhi.(ISTE)

No. of Resource Persons: 05

    1. Mr. Karan Powar, Owner, Go Green Solar, Kolhapur.

    2. Mr. Dhaval Bagawade, Educational Consultant, Info Grow Institute, Kolhapur.

      3. Prof. P. M. Patil, HOD Mech. Engg., Sanjay Ghodawat Institute, Atigre.

      4. Prof. S. A. Bhosale, Electronics Club Coordinator, AMGOI, Vathar.

      5. Mr. Prakhar Nandi Srivastava, Founding Partner, Aethrone Aerospace  Pvt. Ltd. Pune.

The main objective of the program is to focus on the advancements in various fields of mechanical engineering. The eminent personalities of different fields namely manufacturing, thermal, electrical, industrial engineering and management will accumulate at one platform to discuss various aspects during this program. This program is beneficial to faculty members to share their opinion among the different researchers and the professionals from industries. The faculty will receive a great aid to learn various emerging technologies and thrust areas in mechanical engineering through this FDP.

The National Level Online Faculty Development Program was organized for three days 27th, 28th & 29th December 2023. Day-1 program began with welcoming, by the FDP coordinator Mr. R. D. Nagvekar, followed by Welcome address and FDP dynamics from Mr. S. N. Yadav, Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering. At the the end of Inauguration session, Prof. Y. R. Gurav, Principal, Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar shared his view about importance of FDP and Institute’s vision towards it. In the next session, Mr. Karan Powar, Owner, Go Green Solar, Kolhapur covered his topic- Latest Solar Energy Applications such as Solar Bus, Power generation by Tandem solar cells, Solar greenhouse etc. After that Mr. Dhaval Bagawade, Educational Consultant, Info Grow Institute, Kolhapur, explored new carrier opportunities in design sector for Mechanical Engineers also introduced latest software in design and analysis system.

Day-2 program began with new topic- Industry 4.0 addressed by Prof. P. M. Patil, HOD Mech. Engg., SGI, Atigre. He gave guidance about history, current scenario and future trends regarding Industry 4.0. On the same day, next session was conducted by Prof. S. A. Bhosale, Electronics Club Coordinator, AMGOI, Vathar who delivered conversant session on ‘IoT for Design, Analyse and Maintenance’ in which he emphasized on digitalization transformation in different aspects of Industry through IoT.




Engineers Day Celebration


On the occasion of Engineer’s Day celebration,Mechanical Engineering Department hadproudly organised two competitions for allstudents of Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic onFriday 15th of September 2023.
1.Assembly Champ Event
2.Puzzle Maniac Event
The inaugural and welcome function wascarried out in the presence of Prof. Y. R.Gurav (Principal, AMPV.), Mr. S. N. Yadav(H. O. D, Mechanical Engineering) and allother dignitaries.

Assembly Champ Event:
"Assembly Champ" competition was organisedand conducted by the students of MechanicalEngineering Department under the guidance ofcompetition coordinators Mr. S. B. Lambe andMr. S. R. Koli.
In this competition each student had to assemblethe disassembled parts of tail-stock assembly oflathe machine. Total 39 students had participatedin this competition.
Puzzle Maniac Event:
"Puzzle Maniac" competition was organised andconducted by the students of MechanicalEngineering Department under the guidance ofcompetition coordinators Mr. V. A. Patil and Mr.R. B. Mulik.
In this competition each student had to solve thegiven jigsaw puzzle.Total 65 students hadparticipated in this competition.

Teacher's Day Celebration

On 5th sept 2022 Department of Mechanical Engineering has celebrated Teachers Day with various events. Hon Principal Prof. Y.R.Gurav was the Chief guest for the Event. He enlighted students with his valuable thoughts. The event was conducted under the guidance of Head of the Department Mr. S. N. Yadav.






Blood Donation




Project Compititation



Meditation & Yoga session in covid Pandamic



Tree Plantation



Assembly Champ