Lab Details


Sr.No Name  of Lab Major Instruments/Equipments Name of Lab Incharge
1 Metrology and Quality Control -Vernier Callipers (Mitago) 150mm
-Vernier Callipers (Aerospace)200mm
-Micrometers Inside 5-30mm(Yamayo Make)
-Micrometers Outside 0-25mm(Mitutoyo Make)
-Micrometers Inside2 5-50mm (Yamayo Make)
-Micrometers Outside 25-50mm(Yamayo Make)
-Vernier Depth gauge0-200mm(Yamayo Make)
-Vernier Depth gauge0-200mm(Yamayo Make)
-Dial indicator 0.01to10mm (Yamayo Make)
-Screw thread Micrometer (Mitutoyo Make)
-Bevel protector0-360*5’300mm (Yamayo Make)
-Optical profile projector with DRO
-Monochromatic light sources
-Roughness tester
Mr. V. A. Patil
2 Thermal Engineering -Thermal Conductivity of Solid Metallic Rod
-Equipment to Verify Stefan Boltzmann’s
-Heat Exchanger Shell & Tube type
-Model of Locomotive Boiler
-Model of Babcock and Wilcox Boiler
-Solar water heating system
Mr. R. P. Bagewadi
3 Computer Aided Drafting -Computers 13
-Computer core 2 Duo
-LCD Projector
-Cannon Printer
-Sound System
-Cannon Copier
-Laptop Dell make
Mr. P. H. Shinde
4 Industrial Fluid Power -Hydraulic Trainer Kit
-Pneumatic Trainer Kit
-Pneumatic Cutting machine.
Mr.N. Y. Patil
5 Renewable Energy Sources and Management -Parabolic Dish Type Solar Cooker
-Box Type Solar Cooker
-Vertical Axis wind Mill
-Horizontal Axis Wind Mill
-Solar Still
Mr. R. D. Nagvekar
6 CNC Machine -CNC Lathe Trainer Mr. N. Y. Patil
7 Theory of Machine -Crank & slotted lever Quick Return Mechanism
-Double slider Crank Mechanism elliptical trammel
-Single shoe break System
-Internal Expanding shoe break
-Multiple Clutch with actuation mechanism
-Pair of Cam Follower- 2type
i)Tangent cam & roller follower
ii)Eccentric cam & knife edge follower
-Governor Apparatus
-Free Wheel bicycle
-Simple Gear train
Mr. R. D. Nagvekar
8 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery -Dead weight Pressure Gauge Tester
-Bernoullis Theorem Apparatus
-Orifice and Mouthpiece Apparatus
-Venturimeter and Orifice meter Test Apparatus
-Losses in Pipe Fitting
-Losses in Pipe Friction
-Centrifugal Pump Test Rig
-Reciprocating Pump Test Rig
-Pelton wheel Turbine Test Rig
Mr. R. B. Mulik