Teachers Day Celebration

On September 5th, 2022, the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering celebrated Teachers' Day with various events. The Hon. Principal, Prof. Y.R. Gurav, was the chief guest for the function. He enlightened students with his valuable thoughts. The function was conducted under the guidance of the Head of the Department, Mrs. S.F. Amin. This event is celebrated under the ETSA (E&TC) Engineering Students Association. The Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering held a number of events to honour teachers on September 5th, 2022. The event's major guest was Prof. Y.R. Gurav, the honorary principal. He provided them with insightful ideas that helped them. The department head, Mrs. S.F.Amin, oversaw the function's execution. The ETSA (E&TC) Engineering Students Association sponsors this celebration.