Staff Achievements


Patent Holder

Sr. No. Patent Holder Name Patent Topic
1 Mr.S.S.Mane Circuit Breaker Device for Safety in February 2024.
2          Mr.P.D.Shinde        Smart Multifunctional Baby Toy in May 2024.


Paper Publications

Sr. No.  Name Of Staff Paper Publications
1 Mr.S.S.Mane Single-Carrier Frequency-Domain Equalizer with Multi-Antenna Transmit Diversity
Single-Carrier Frequency-Domain Equalizer
2     Mr.P.D.Shinde        Smart Ordering system


List of Conference/ Seminars/Workshops Attended by Faculty


Sr.No. Name Of Staff Conference/ Seminars/Workshops Attended
1 Mr.S.S.Mane

Five days FDP on“Enhancing Engineering Skills Using Software’s”organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering held at AMP, Vathar in February   2025.

Three Days FDP on “NEP2020- Amendment in Technical Education”organized by Department of Electrical Engineering held at AMP, Vathar in January   2025.
Three Days FDP on “Professional Ethics and Effective Teaching Methodology”organized by Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering held at   AMP,  Vathar      in July 2024.
Five days FDP on“NBA Awareness-Effective preparation and Documentation”organized by Department of Automobile Engineering held at AMP, Vathar   in  January – February 2024.
Three Days FDP on “Advancement in E- Transportation” organized by Department of Electrical Engineering held at AMP, Vathar in December 2023.

      Mr. J. I .Tamboli


Five days FDP on "  Machine Learning Using Python”held at AMP, Vathar

Three days FDP on “Introduction Of  Internet Of  Things " held at DKITE’S  Yashwantrao Chavan polytechnic , Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra.
 Three Days FDP on “Professional Ethics and Effective Teaching  Methodology”organized by Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering held at   AMP,  Vathar     in July 2024.
Five days FDP on“NBA Awareness-Effective preparation and Documentation”organized by Department of Automobile Engineering held at AMP, Vathar   in  January – February 2024.
Three days orientation Program on “National Education policy” held at AMP ,Vathar.
3         Mr.P.D.Shinde                           

Three Days FDP on “NEP2020- Amendment in Technical Education”organized by Department of Electrical Engineering held at AMP, Vathar in January   2025

Five Days Industrial Training for the course “Comprehensive IoT Training and Development” held at NIELIT, Chh. Sambhajinagar Maharashtra   organized by   MSBTE 2024-25
Three Days FDP on “ Professional Ethics and Effective Teaching Methodology” organized by Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering held at  AMP, Vathar   in July 2024.
Three days FDP on "Introduction of Internet of things" held atDKTE’S Yashwantrao Chavan polytechnic, Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra 2023-24
Five days FDP on “NBA Awareness-Effective preparation and Documentation”organized by Department of Automobile Engineering held at AMP,   Vathar   in   January  – February 2024.

Ms. N.S.Bondre


Five days FDP on“Enhancing Engineering Skills Using Software’s”organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering held at AMP, Vathar in    February 2025.

Three Days FDP on “NEP2020- Amendment in Technical Education” organized by Department of Electrical Engineering held at AMP, Vathar in   January 2025.
Three Days FDP on “Professional Ethics and Effective Teaching Methodology” organized by Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering held at     AMP, Vathar in July 2024.
Five days FDP onNBA Awareness-Effective preparation and Documentation”organized by Department of Automobile Engineering held at AMP, Vathar   in January – February 2024.



Three Days FDP on “NEP2020- Amendment In Technical Education” organized by Department of Electrical Engineering held at AMP, Vathar in  January 2025.

Three Days FDP on “Professional Ethics and Effective Teaching Methodology”  organized by Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering held at   AMP, Vathar in July 2024.
Five days FDP on“NBA Awareness-Effective preparation and Documentation”organized by Department of Automobile Engineering held at AMP,   Vathar   in January – February 2024.
6 Ms.V. B.Patil

Three Days FDP on “NEP2020- Amendment in Technical Education” organized by Department of Electrical Engineering held at AMP, Vathar in  January   2025.

7 Mrs. A .N.Patil

Five days FDP on“” Enhancing Engineering Skills  Using  Software ”  held at AMP, Vathar

Three Days FDP on “NEP2020- Amendment in Technical Education” organized by Department of Electrical Engineering held at AMP, Vathar in   January  2025.