Paper Presentation and Technical Event
Vathar, Date 29 Feb 2024 As a part of our Academic curriculum, the department of Electronic and Tele communication has arranged Paper Presentation and Technical Event "REFLEX 2K24" at Ashokrao mane Polytechnic Vathar Tarf, Vadgaon, Kolhapur. Tal-Hatkanangale Dist- Kolhapur Inauguration & judging of Paper Presentation and Technical Event performed by Mrs.S.S.Patil, lecturer (Electrical Department) & college RIT ,Ramjramnagar and under the guidence of Prof. Y.R. Gurav sir, Principal of Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Kolhapur. Our technical event is "Soldering Master" & In paper presentation there are many subjects provided to students to provide a platform for young minds to showcase their research and anylatical skills.