Recent Trends in Electronics

Recent Trends in Electronics, Date 6 march 2023: As a part of our Academic Curriculum , the department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering has arranged Expert lecture on the topic “Recent Trends in Electronics  “ at Ashokrao mane Polytechnic Vathar Tarf , Vadgaon, Kolhapur. Expert from Tiny Tech Electronics Solution Ichalkjaranji, Ex.Director/Founder, Mr. P.B.Mattikalli as Expert. That Expert lecture organized by Co-ordinater Mr.S.B.Pharne for Second & Third year student (EJ) . It cover the topics such as Selection of projects, 5G technology andIndustry 4.0 revolution, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence etc. The Impact of this activity on students they are able to understand the knowlege about project selection criteria basen on application, project process flow also understand Research and development in Electronics.