With respect to Dr. S.R. Ranganathan, A great Library Scientist and one of the library laws, “Library is a growing organism”, we developed our Diploma Library with valuable inspiration from our honorable Chairman and executive Director and under the guidance of our respected principal and Library Committee. We have invested around Rs. 5955017/- in Central Library and developed various facilities like, OPAC facility, study room, Journals & Periodical section, Book-Bank facility, free access to all students etc.             

Today our library has 28393 books including 3051 titles. We have 36 National Journals,& 878 E-Journals for various Departments. Our library provides 9 Newspapers. The Department wise books in our library are as below;


Sr. No Department Titles No. of Volumes Journals E-journals
1 Civil Engg. 430 3114 03 115
2 Computer Engg. 675 6760 09 60
3 Electrical Engg. 405 2667 06 121
4 Electronics & Computer Engineering 159 1750 03 41
5 Mechanical Engg 455 6194 03 40
6 Automobile Engg. 426 2130 03 15
7 Artificial Intellligence & Machine Learning 75 315 06 100
7 App. Sc. & Humanities 212 5228 03 321
8 General Books 214 235 - 65
  Total 3051 28393 36 878