Staff Achievements


Paper Publications

Sr.No Name of Staff Paper Publications
1. Mr.A.B.Warke Techno Economic Study of Use of Alccofine and GGBS in concrete using crushed sand.
A Review of Techno Economic Study of Use of Alccofine and GGBS in concrete using crushed sand.
2.  Mrs. M. A. Chavan A Review of Schmidt Rebound Hammer Applications and Developments
2. Ms. A.S.Jangam A Review of Design of High Performance Concrete upto 120 MPa.
Design of High performance Concrete upto 120 MPa.


Conference/ Seminars/Workshops Attended


Sr.No.  Name of Staff Conference/Seminars/Workshops Attended
1. Mr.A.B.Warke  Two day National Level workshop on “Outcome Based Education Philosophy” at Government Polytechnic, Kolhapur.
 One Week Workshop on “Hands on Total Station, GIS and GPS” at DKTE Polytechnic Ichalkaranji
 One week Workshop on “Geo Informatics” at Sanjeevan College of Engineering
 One week Workshop on “Use of Etabs and SAP software’s” at Annasaheb Dange College of Engineering

 One day National level workshop on Impact of NBA process in quality and capacity building of polytechnics

2. Mr. D. B. Mahadeshwar  One week Online Faculty Development Program on “Opportunities and Challenges in Outcome Based Education” Organized by AMP, Vathar.
 Three Day Faculty Development Program on “Professional Ethics and Effective Teaching Methodology” Organized by AMP, Vathar.

 Three Day Online Faculty Development Program on “NEP2020- Amendments in Technical Education” Organized by AMP, Vathar.

 Five Day Online Faculty Development Program on “Localized Sustainable Development” Organized by BSIET, Kolhapur.
3.  Mr. V. S. Surve

One week Online Faculty Development Program on “Opportunities and Challenges in Outcome Based Education” Organized by AMP, Vathar.

 Three Day Faculty Development Program on “Professional Ethics and Effective Teaching Methodology” Organized by AMP, Vathar.

 Three Day Online Faculty Development Program on “NEP2020- Amendments in Technical Education” Organized by AMP, Vathar.

 Five Day Online Faculty Development Program on “Localized Sustainable Development” Organized by BSIET, Kolhapur.
4. Ms. K. M. Sapkal

One week Online Faculty Development Program on “Opportunities and Challenges in Outcome Based Education” Organized by AMP, Vathar.

 Three Day Faculty Development Program on “Professional Ethics and Effective Teaching Methodology” Organized by AMP, Vathar.

 Three Day Online Faculty Development Program on “NEP2020- Amendments in Technical Education” Organized by AMP, Vathar.

 Five Day Online Faculty Development Program on “Localized Sustainable Development” Organized by BSIET, Kolhapur.
5.   Mrs. M. A. Chavan

One week Online Faculty Development Program on “Opportunities and Challenges in Outcome Based Education” Organized by AMP, Vathar.

 Three Day Faculty Development Program on “Professional Ethics and Effective Teaching Methodology” Organized by AMP, Vathar.

 Three Day Online Faculty Development Program on “NEP2020- Amendments in Technical Education” Organized by AMP, Vathar.

  Five Day Online Faculty Development Program on “Localized Sustainable Development” Organized by BSIET, Kolhapur.
6.  Mr. J. M. Jadhav   Five day National Level workshop on “Orientation Programme: Essence of Indian Constitution” organized by NITTTR, Bhopal.

Three Day Faculty Development Program on “Professional Ethics and Effective Teaching Methodology” Organized by AMP, Vathar.

 Three Day Online Faculty Development Program on “NEP2020- Amendments in Technical Education” Organized by AMP, Vathar.




Ms. A.S.Jangam

 ISTE Approved one week STTP on “ Shaping the future of construction practices” at ADCET,Ashta.
 ISTE Approved one week STTP on “ Material Testing, inspection, and quality control in civil engineering” at ADCET,Ashta.
 One week Faculty Development programon “A Vision for the future of Structural Engineering” at ADCET,Ashta.