Organized Events
Faculty Developmen Programme- 17th February to 21st February 2025.
One week online faculty development program on "Opportunities and Challenges in Outcome Based Education" conducted from17th February to 21st February 2025. by Automobile Engineering Department of Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar tarf Vadgaon, Tal-Hatkanangle, Dist- Kolhapur, Maharashtra. The eminent Doctorates from renowned institutions like Govt. Polytechnics-Nagpur,Karad, Satara, Pune, RIT etc. were invited as resource persons in this FDP. It gives us immense pleasure to declare that Total 155 + participants from all over Maharashtra including variety of designations like Principals, Professors, HODs, TPOs, lecturers, registered themselves for this FDP. The convener Principal Prof. Y. R. Gurav, chief coordinator Mr. P. T. Hasabe, Head, Automobile Engineering Department and coordinator Mr. S. B. Akiwate were present.
Autocad Workshop- 09thOctober 2025:
We organize one day workshop on automobile working drawing by using AUTO CAD. In this workshop 80+ students are participated.
Expert Lecture on E- Vehicle and Recent Trends in Automobile- 17th Feb 2024.
We arranged expert lecture on the subject “E- Vehicle and Recent Trends in Automobile”. In expert lecture Mr. S. R. Koli discussed on various topics like E-vehicles and recent trends in automobile sector and also discussed need of this in future. Er. Kiran Jadhav also discussed and given answers on the student problems regarding “E- Vehicle and Recent Trends in Automobile”.
Faculty Developmen Programme- 29th January to 02nd February 2024.
One week online faculty development program on "Opportunities and Challenges in Outcome Based Education" conducted from 29th January to 02nd February 2024 by Automobile Engineering Department of Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic, Vathar tarf Vadgaon, Tal-Hatkanangle, Dist- Kolhapur, Maharashtra. The eminent Doctorates from renowned institutions like Govt. Polytechnics-Nagpur, Awasari, SKNSCOE, RIT etc. were invited as resource persons in this FDP. It gives us immense pleasure to declare that Total 155 + participants from all over Maharashtra including variety of designations like Principals, Professors, HODs, TPOs, lecturers, registered themselves for this FDP. The convener Principal Prof. Y. R. Gurav, chief coordinator Mr. P. T. Hasabe, Head, Automobile Engineering Department and coordinator Mr. S. B. Akiwate were present.
Alumni Meet- 6th Jan 2024.
Experts Lecture on Entrepreneurship Developement- 6th Oct 2022.
Expert lecture has been conducted on the topic Entrepreneurship for the students of Automobile Engineering on date 6th Oct 2022. The expert was Dr. Shabana Memon who has over 25 years of experience in delivering such expert talks on Entrepreneurship.
Engineers Day Celebration- 15 Sept 2022.
Engineer's Day is celebrated on September 15 every year. The day marks the birth anniversary of Indian civil engineer, Bharat Ratna Mokshagundam Vishweshvaraya. Also known as Sir MV, he was awarded the Bharat Ratna for his contributions in the field of engineering.
Sir MV was born on September 15, 1860, at Muddenahalli village in Karnataka. He pursued his degree in engineering from the College of Engineering, Pune. He was the Chief Engineer of Krishna Raja Sagara dam in Karnataka and also served as one of the Chief Engineers of the flood protection system for the city of Hyderabad.
On 15th sept 2022 Department of Automobile Engineering has celebrated Engineers Day with various events. Hon Principal Prof. Y.R.Gurav was the Chief guest for the Function. He enlighted students with his valuable thoughts. The function was conducted under the guidance of Head of the Department Mr. P.T.Hasabe. This Event is Celebrated under AESA Automobile Engineering Students Association.
Teachers Day Celebration- 5 Sept 2022.
On 5th sept 2022 Department of Automobile Engineering has celebrated Teachers Day with various events. Hon Principal Prof. Y.R.Gurav was the Chief guest for the Function. He enlighted students with his valuable thoughts. The function was conducted under the guidance of Head of the Department Mr. P.T.Hasabe. This Event is Celebrated under AESA Automobile Engineering Students Association.
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav- 75 years of Independance.
The Government of India decided to celebrate the 75 years of Independence of India, with great excitement and tribute to people instrumental in bringing India thus far in its journey and the potential to activate India 2.0, powered by the spirit of Atmanirbhar Bharat.' 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav' means 'Elixir of energy of independence It is the initiative to celebrate and commemorate 75 years of independence from British Raj and the glorious history of India's people, culture and achievements. The commemoration is to be celebrated through a series of events to be organized by the Government of India.
We Ashokrao Mane Polytechnic has organised Har Ghar Tiranga, Two Wheeler Rally, Walking Rally for the promotion of Har Ghar Tiranga. Also we have Sung or National Anthem at 11 am.
Expert Lectures delivered by Er. Vaibhav Koli, CEO Youth Career Accelerator
The subject of expert lecture is “Manufacturing Processes and Time Management”. It is mandatory expert lecture as per curriculum as per MSBTE. In expert lecture Er. Vaibhav Koli discussed on various topics like Basics of Manufacturing Processes, 6-Sigma, 5 ‘S’ Techniques, Kaizen, Route cause Analysis etc. also discussed need of this technology in future.
Er. Vaibhav Koli also discussed and given answers on the student problems regarding “Manufacturing Processes.”
Expert Lectures

National Road Safety Week
Parents Meeting